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Harriet Marcilla

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

The Longing to be Somebody

"竹林の小径 Path of Bamboo #1 [Explored]" by sunnywinds* is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

When we were young, there was nothing that warmed our adolescent hearts more than dreaming up a fairy tale where we could be anyone we hoped to. Whether it was on Halloween day in a costume mom and dad spent hours in the store searching for or on a quiet Thursday with your best friend fighting over who gets to be the main character in your favorite movie; we all simply wanted to be somebody.

As a child, there's only so much you can do with your youth. Being young may be sweet and simple, but it comes with the curse and blessing of wandering with a desire for more. You want that special title that everyone else in the stories are blessed with. You want to be the one who saves the village or sings to an audience every night. We spend all of our childhood playing dress-up and curating these stories where we're the hero because it makes us feel like we're finally 1 in 7 billion.

We crave a name, and not the name we were born with because there's only so much you can do with that. You can be born with any first and last name, but it doesn't have anything to do with what you do for the world or what the world does for you. A name is nothing if there is no story to follow and that's the last thing we want for ourselves: to be nothing. We want to be somebody worth writing stories about, because if we're not then we're stuck reading someone else's.

Everyone has a label in the group. There's the funny one, the smart one, the cute one, and the list goes on depending on who we decide that person is. Whether we're aware of it or not, we try too hard to put a label on everyone because if we don't, we're forced to wonder who we are on our own. There's nothing scarier than having to go through self-discovery by yourself. So we dress up. We read stories. We dream. We dream until eventually a story in our head creeps its way to our hearts and hugs just the right strings.



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